Saturday, October 6, 2007

I-171H Approval!

What the heck is that you are wondering??? It means we have been deemed acceptable to bring an orphan into the country. We have now crossed the next hurdle of approval! Yeah!

I had a great dream about Ellia last night. I haven't really had many dreams about her yet...dreams about the process but not about her. She had this gorgeous cork-screw curl hair and the most amazing eyes. I was packing her diaper bag and choosing what outfits she was going to wear that day. I woke up with a warm longing in my heart!

It was kind of humorous, yesterday at the shop, I was having a slow hour and was re-arranging the doll display. I carry an adorable soft baby with beautiful corkscrew hair. I held her and talked to Ellia in my ever so quiet shop. Later, I was checking out a sample diaper bag, thinking about it's practicality and if I would ever use it. I guess I tucked those moments into my sub-conscious and they became the stuff of dreams! So glad I have a job that leaves happy thoughts in my head to dream about!

Dad and Josh went on a Cub Scout camping trip last night. The previous night they had been getting out the supplies and all 4 boys were sitting in the driveway being completely male. I shouted down from the upstairs window...."This is why we are adopting a GIRL!" I must admit that I do feel left out of their little world sometimes. I am not wired the same, I just can't get excited about motors and snakes, and frogs. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to parenting a daughter (and yes, all you nay-sayers...she could turn out to be a total tom-boy...but atleast she'll bring a little estrogen to the mix!)

It's 90 here in MN on October 6th! Whatever! The boys are going boating, I am working...if you're in the area...drop in! I would love to chat!

1 comment:

hotflawedmama said...

I wish I was close enough to stop by! Congrats on the approval, every step feels good doesn't it? 90 here to. Blah!