Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Has my daughter been born?

As I drove in the beautiful fall sunshine today I couldn't help but wonder about my daughter. Is she born yet? More than likely if she isn't born yet she will be in the next month or two. I think the youngest she could be at referral is about 2 months. It is so very surreal to think that I have a daughter on the other side of the world. I was thinking of this process, compared to my pregnancies. With the pregnancies, I started talking to the boys from the moment I got those two lines on the pregnancy test, and even though Ellia isn't in my womb, she is flourishing in my heart and I talk to her every day as well. It is different, and yet so very much the same. True, I am not connected to her in a physical sense every day, feeling her kick and wiggle, but she is already such a presence in my little world. As I wander through my days I imagine her , crying in the car as we shuttle the brothers back and forth, I imagine her sweet little face at the dining room table, disrupting her brothers and getting into all of their stuff, finding treasures on the floor that haven't seen the broom in a couple of days...giggling at the cat...snuggling in the night...

One whole day waiting...could be a long wait!

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Nancy said...
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