Friday, August 10, 2007


We crossed the next hurdle! We were approved by our social worker. It was an easy meeting and we had the chance to talk about the Ethiopia program and the orphanage at length. I was so excited and so ready to hop on a plane today!

Being the ever hopeful planner, I asked if he thought we might have her by spring of next year. He said there are a lot of people ahead of us and that the wait will be long, but we will probably have her by late spring or early summer. I was really hoping for her arrival in about March...but it sound like the wait might be a bit longer. Ah yes, another lesson in patience, my best subject...not!

Next step is getting the Dossier paperwork from the Ethiopia desk, then getting that in and starting the real wait. I am hoping we are "official" by September 15 at the latest! We'll see how lofty my goal is!

Thanks for reading!

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