Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Cuties

It was pumpkin carving time at our house. Great fun was had by all and here are the results! (not sure why it is such a small pic?) The creativity was flowing and Sassy Spice was quite taken with all things pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

She did good!

Miss Sunshine did just fine with her MRI this am. She wasn't real happy when they took her away or when she woke up and we weren't there. But they were quick to bring her back to me and she was soo happy to see her mama. We will get a report in the next few weeks.

Here is a pic from the weekend...have ya seen two cuter babes?

Monday, October 27, 2008

I've been tagged

By Cheryl over at This tag is where I am supposed to list 7 weird or random things about myself...

1. I am constantly trying to decide what to be when I grow up. I am going to have to come back in so many lives to accomplish all I think I would like to try! (Broadway musical star, athletic trainer, pastor, aid worker in Africa, Christian singer)

2. I am a hopeless romantic and love to escape life as I know it in a cheesy book or movie.

3. Journaling and writing keep me sane, help me figure out where I am heading.

4. I never went to prom (and this still kinda ticks me off!)

5. I have a closet FULL of clothes that I don't really like.

6. There are 40 legs at our house right now (6 humans, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 kittens, 2 gecko's)

7.I have ALWAYS wanted a daughter...and I must say, I am now complete!

I tag whoever is still reading this blog...not sure if anyone is!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I didn't fall off the face of the world...

I am still alive. Life with 4 kids and a business just seems to keep me hoping a bit more than I thought.

We are all doing well. Sassy spice continues to thrive. Her cold is finally starting to clear up and she hasn't had nearly the coughing. It is so nice to have her feeling good. She is close to walking and has been scooting around with her walker all weekend. She got to meet her Seattle aunt and uncle as well as her new baby cousin this weekend. It was so fun to have the whole huge family together.

J was elected student body president this week at school. We are so proud! He continues to thrive and I am loving it right now because he is in a mom mode...I am still cool! Yay!

Sassy Spice has an MRI on Tuesday. She had some seizures when she was in care, and although well managed on meds, we are getting a baseline to see what might be going on. We are really not concerned as she is really thriving. I am not looking forward to her being sedated, but that is the choice we have for now. Keep her in your prayers.

I will try and post some new pictures soon. As for now, it is time for Brothers and Sisters and a tidge of ice cream!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

All Creatures Great and Small

We are getting in to the swing of life with all of our new additions. Since the weekend we acquired a new gecko and two newborn kittens to add to the zoo. Z-man is now lobby-ing for a hamster. What's a few more legs? So that puts me at 4 children, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 gecko's, and a husband ( I think I am going to keep the husband count to one, although a wife wouldn't be all bad...she could tag team the laundry and never ending poop-patrol. ) And the really crazy thing is...there is room for more. I am not going looking for anything else, but should something or someone need a place, we seem to be able to find it!

Baby girl is doing well. Still has a bit of a boogey nose, but we have found the joys of nasal spray and the boogie sucker!! She finally slept through the whole night all night, no wake ups!

As it is my day off, I best get off the computer and get something done! The zoo needs tending!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't forget

I promised that I would not forget. I promised that I would pray, every day, for health and food, and peace. Ethiopia is a part of my heart. Faces of people I love, honor, and am humbled by are burned into my soul. And my global family is hurting. It is soo easy to get consumed by the election polls, the wild ride that is the Dow, gas prices and having to "tighten our belts". We don't have a clue. We are worried about losing our lattes, our SUV's, and our McMansions. We don't have a clue. We all need a huge kick in the ass...a big old reality check that tells us what is really important. Another ET adoptive mom shared this link. These are the faces from my daughters village. This could just as easily have been her. This is my global family, and because you love the little girl who came home to my arms...they are your family too. Promise me you won't forget. Promise me you too will pray for healing and health. And if in the tightening of your belts, you find there might just be a little extra, consider giving to They helping in Sunshine's village...they are helping my family.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cursed by the blog-gods

So did you notice that slightly cocky tone I had when I mentioned in the last post that the boogers were gone, and she was thriving? Obviously I ticked off the blog-god because guess who was up ALL night crying and snorting and needing mommy's flesh to rub her face all over?? Yes that would be Snotty Spice! I had no sooner pushed the post button when she started to stir in her crib...then I tucked myself in and it all went downhill from there. And she was crying a kind of cry I haven't heard before. Is she starting to do some of her grieving? Was she having a nightmare? Was she just not feeling good? This is when it is hard to help her...when I realize she hasn't been mine forever, and has just been in my arms a few short weeks. And so we walked and rocked and shared some tears together. She finally fell into a sound sleep at about 4:30 and then was up for the day at 6:30. She was pretty happy throughout the day,( wish I could say the same for me!) but still a little off. And the boogers kept flowing. I am envisioning that mucinex ad where the mucous guys are having a party...they must be throwing a lalapaloosa in her little body. I am truly praying that tonight is better and we both get some sleep. She would survive another all night rock, while that is another story. On the walking front, she was carried much of the day today so not as much practice time...oh darn! Tomorrows another day...with new adventures...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

She Stands!

So little Miss Sassy Spice stood up all by herself today. How dare she!! At the shop, she found a great walker wagon and cruised un-assisted around the shop. Wanna place bets on when she will walk on her own?? I don't think it will be long.

The other breakthrough today was no boogers and hardly any coughing. That is a first since she has been in our arms. Yay! She is thriving so much!

The kids have 2 days off for teacher conferences. I am feeling guilty that I didn't plan anything fun to do...guess they will just have to be entertained by their sissy. B and I have a date planned for tomorrow afternoon, he is needing a little mama time. Otherwise, it will be time to play in the leaves, maybe hike the nature trail, make pretzels...should be fun.

Silly spice is stirring in her crib, time to go settle her back down. I'll be looking for the bets on walking!

Monday, October 13, 2008

And we shall call her Silly Spice

We have the newest Spice Girl and her name is Silly Spice. She came to this name sort of by default! We knew she had a spicy personality and she is very Silly Spice it is! This am she is jammin to Motown Love Songs, rockin in her rocker and trying to eat kleenex. Yum! Last night was the first night she has slept without coughing! Yay! Today she got to come and cut her first commercial with mom. She charmed the gang as usual. Mom is hoping the afternoon might hold a nice long nap, after a weekend of leaves and sandbox play, the floors need more attention than Silly Spice's knees provide!

We are adding to our family again in a few weeks...yes we are expecting....kittens!! Our wayward cat had one night of passion and for this we will pay. So we are adding to the 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 gecko and 4 children...anyone want a great Christmas Kitten?? We would love to share!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Slow Down Baby Girl

We are experiencing baby development at warp speed. We have gone from slow crawling to fast crawling to pulling up to cruising all in 2 weeks. We also have words now...mama, dada, josh, zzzaa (zach) ahh-done, mmmmmm. She is soo stinkin cute. She is back on antibiotics to kick the resp bug that remains, we will be glad to have her existing without a cough.

On Friday, she had an MD aapointment related to some minor medical issues. Part of the intake was to fill out a very detailed form about her history. It really hit me for the first time how much we will never know about her life before us. It makes me sad for her and makes me realize how very important the bits and pieces we do have will be for all of us. It is hard to believe she has only been with us for 3 weeks...she just fits so well. We are so totally blessed!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's been a hard days night....

What a day! Started at work at 10 with a rather sick baby girl. She just can't shake this resp infection and she added a nice boogey nose to go with it. She was asleep in the sling by 10:30 and slept until 12. We zoomed home for lunch and were at the school by 12:30 to pick up the brothers for their dentist appointment. Dad met us at the dentist so I could take M to the pediatrician to see what was going on. She also had an appointment with the neurologist today. She got to have a blood draw, chest x-ray, then more blood drawn for the Neuro! Over all they all thought she looks good and the poor ladies in the lab were almost ready to cry as hard as she was. After 4 hours in the clinic, we were finally on our way home with new meds and a few appointments for follow up. Next was our 1st post placement with our social worker. It went well and sunshine remained sunny despite her long day. Bed is sounding awfully good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wee Small Hours of the morning...

...they still exist in case you were concerned! Miss M was up coughing and boogey all night on Monday night. This after a great adventure to the cities where she shopped until mama dropped. It was an all night walking, rocking, booger fest the likes of which I had happily forgotten about in the 4 years since there has been a baby in the house! Yesterday was a very long day...and the girl only napped for 45 min...not a great way to recover from a sleepless night. Last night was much better, she was only up at 1 and 3 for a very short bit, so today feels a little more sane. We are "working" the boutique this am. She is currently sound asleep in the new Ergo carrier (LOVE this carrier....might have to start carrying them in the shop!) I am hoping she gets a great nap in and I accomplish something more than blogging!!

Tomorrow is crazy...3 boys to the dentist at 1, M to the MD at 2:30, social worker follow up visit at 5. Yieks! Somewhere in there I must do a smidge of cleaning too..I think I might need those wee small hours of the morning to get it all done. Have to say however, I am loving this crazy!

Back to work...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Giggle Girl

Yesterday was the day of the belly laugh. She was hilarious and truly rolling on the floor laughing. She continues to blossom more each day and her spicy personality is wonderful. I do have one small bone to pick with her...if given the choice between a truck and a doll, 9 times out of 10, she goes for the truck! Darling girl, mama has already raised the truck brigade, it is time for baby dolls and pink just forget about those silly old trucks and play with this huge collection of sweet, cuddly dolls!! So help me if my precious princess is a trucker at heart!

We had a gorgeous day yesterday, perfect fall...and I didn't get to spend nearly enough time enjoying it. Too much laundry and work to do. Today is rainy and cool and really feels like a chilly fall day. We have family coming for the afternoon and decided to opt out of church. Too many new faces are still hard.

It is amazing to me that we have only been home 2 weeks, feels like months! We are finding our groove. Now if we can just get her to get up with the sun at 7 instead of the moon at 5!

Off to fold more laundry and maybe even take a there is a novel idea! happy Sunday!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's Love

Not sure how it is possible, but I fall a little more in love with her each day! Today was our first day back at the boutique. She did great and charmed the socks off all who entered. (except for the 2 that thought she was a he...guess the flowers on her outfit and shoes weren't bold enough!) I did discover I won't get much actual work done with her there, but that's okay, she's worth it! She continues to wrap her brothers tighter and tighter around her finger. She calls, then run! It is hilarious. She also passed the shopping test on Wed. We spend almost the whole day at the mall, meeting up with friends and buying some bigger clothes. She slept, ate, smiled and sang her way through the day and has some very cute clothes to show for it. Tomorrow night is the homecoming game at the HS, and here in small town America, it is an event not to be missed, so we will outfit her in warm duds, and teach her to cheer loud for the home team! OOH we love this girl!