Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's been a hard days night....

What a day! Started at work at 10 with a rather sick baby girl. She just can't shake this resp infection and she added a nice boogey nose to go with it. She was asleep in the sling by 10:30 and slept until 12. We zoomed home for lunch and were at the school by 12:30 to pick up the brothers for their dentist appointment. Dad met us at the dentist so I could take M to the pediatrician to see what was going on. She also had an appointment with the neurologist today. She got to have a blood draw, chest x-ray, then more blood drawn for the Neuro! Over all they all thought she looks good and the poor ladies in the lab were almost ready to cry as hard as she was. After 4 hours in the clinic, we were finally on our way home with new meds and a few appointments for follow up. Next was our 1st post placement with our social worker. It went well and sunshine remained sunny despite her long day. Bed is sounding awfully good.


Kris said...

Hang in there Koser girls!

We love you!

melanie said...

ugh..don't you hate those days of rushing around?? Glad M did great. Of course she did!! mel