Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Watched e-mail never produces!

It is rather pathetic when your tummy does a little flip every time you hear the "you've got mail" chime on the computer! And I''m not even waiting for a referral yet! Unfortunately, most of the little chimes have only signaled an ad for viagra!

On Friday, our social worked told us that he would send our info to the Ethiopia desk and they would then e-mail us the dossier paperwork. This is the last step until we can be officially waiting for this sweet girl of ours. I am anxious to get this list in hand so Eric can do much of the running and gathering of signatures before school starts and we go headlong into the craziness of fall. I also really want to have my name on "The List" will feel like that moment when the line on the pregnancy test turns turning back...all systems on the way!

But alas, I must wait, and check my email at least every 5 minutes!! oops...just heard another go check it out!

1 comment:

hotflawedmama said...

Hope THE email comes VERY soon! :)