Thursday, September 4, 2008

3 Cheers for Clear Mascara!

Oui! Today was the first day of school. The morning that I sent my sweet little B-man off into the hallowed halls of education. He was ready! With a juicy 5 yr old kiss and a quick hug, he was in line, backpack in place, singing the school song. And I was tearing up.

The 3rd grader had a tougher time, with a few tears in his eyes. Not uncommon for my sweet, sensitive one. But he put on a brave face and went to join the big kids on the playground. The 5th grader had planters warts treated last night. He was hurting this am. I felt soo bad for him, because he was trying to be the ultra-cool 5th grade dude, and he was really hurting. We're hoping the motrin and mole skin kicked in!

After hanging out with the other rather despondent mommies on the the playground until we really did start to look foolish, I headed to my car and lost it! I had my Sunshine Adoption mix in and it was playing Child Of Mine by Carol King. Boy did that start the water-works. I didn't think it would be so hard today. But B-man and I have been joined at the hip since he was born. He has been my side kick, my right hand man, my snuggle bud. Last night as I tucked him in, he reached up for one huge hug. "Mom, we better snuggle good cause tomorrow there won't be time" Oh little man, there will ALWAYS be time for snuggles.

The excitement of all that is to come is building every moment. Hoping for a social report in the next day or is one of my last days at the shop for a bit. Needless to say, my mind is elsewhere this Africa, in Roosevelt Elementary...with ALL my babies!

1 comment:

Mrs. Frugal said...

OHHHH, Erika!!! Cheers to clear mascara is right! I think I needed some after reading your post! I used to go to Roosevelt and I can still sing the school song!! Hope you get home to a noisy house full of excitement after the first day!