Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hello!! We are home, safe and sound and completely jet lagged. Sunshine is absolutely perfect. She is the happiest, most fun, silly child I have ever met. She is fully attached (esp to mom) and so far isn't too overwhelmed by all the brother attention! (I have never seen elementary school boys so excited to bathe a 1 yr old in my life!) The flight home was great, except that our party animal preferred to chat with all the people on the plane rather than sleep. Stinker! She traveled so well. Other than a horrible diaper rash and a cough that is being treated she is healthy and happy. I have a couple of other posts to put up and tons of pictures...once we get a little more settled I will get to those up...but in the in between, just wanted you to know that we are home, exhausted and elated!!


Cindy said...

woooooooo-hooooo hoooooooo

Welcome home! I had become a stalker of your blog in the last 24 hours :)
I am glad you had a great trip and I cannot wait to see pictures of your whole family together!!!

Mama Papaya said...

Welcome home Sunshine and family!

Cathy said...

Welcome home. Glad things went well and can't wait to hear more about your trip and to see more pics of Sunshine. Hope you are getting lots of rest and are enjoying every moment with your now larger family.

Mom to many said...

Yay! I am so happy to see you are back safe and sound with your litte girl. Welcome home. Can't wait to see pictures...