Thursday, July 24, 2008

More on Meron's B-day

Sorry yesterday's post was a bit abrupt, it was a busy day! My mom came down with the mission of keeping me occupied and purging 5 trash bags of treasures from my house! We are now much closer to baby proofed, and I have a really clean kitchen! It did also work to distract me for much of the day so that was good too! It was the final night of baseball so the kids had games and trophies and parties. Finally at about 9 we sat down to celebrate Meron. We taped her referral picture to a chair along with a party hat and sang happy birthday! (I am posting at work, but I will add a picture tonight) We then opened her presents and I tried really hard not to cry! All in all, it will be great to be able to tell her that even though she wasn't with us, we still have the day documented and we did celebrate!

I am feeling pretty low today. Travel dates are filling up as far out as Aug 27th which means that we will be looking at a September travel date. I am just hoping and praying it is the beginning of Sept and not the end. The 5th of September it will be a year since we officially started waiting to bring her home. My arms are aching for her. It is beyond time to bring her home.

Stay tuned for pic later in the day!

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