Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So yesterday we got the rest of our shots. Not too bad, just two lovely sticks in the arm. This morning, I can tell those two little pricks had a little something in them. OUCH! Needless to say, the arm is feeling a wee bit sore this am! But, as for physical pain in the "birthing" of this child...this is so much easier than labor (sorry Jilly...just skip that last part!!)

August and September are ramping up to be rather wild in our family. My brother and his beautiful wife are having their first baby any day now. We can't wait to welcome this new little man and have a wonderful addition to this crazy family. On the other side, my sis in law and bro in law have decided to turn their worlds upside down and just accepted two new teaching jobs in new towns far from where they live, so before school starts, they must sell a house, buy a house and move a house and two kiddos, not to mention get ready to teach in two new schools. Yieks. And for us, well, we thought we would travel to Africa and bring home a child. Just to spice up the pot a bit ;) ! The grandparents have their running shoes on and are ready to run to whomever is most in need at any given moment...thank God they drive fuel efficient cars and are always reachable on their cell phones! It's going to be the most wonderful kind of perfect storm that I can imagine!

Prepare yourself for tomorrow's post. It is Meron's first birthday tomorrow. I am not sure how I am going to take it, but I can't imagine I will be sweetness and light. Stay tuned. In the mean time, I am off to get some motrin for my arm, and then sit down with the list of lists I made yesterday and see just what I can cross off!!

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