Sunday, June 29, 2008

Picnic Fun

We had a fun time at the ET picnic yesterday. It was so fun to be surrounded by so many beautiful children and to dream more about my sweet girl. It was also great to finally meet some of the people who have been so important on this journey! (Mel, we loved your family...can't wait to get together again!!) It was nice to see that all those logged in names really do have faces behind them.

I am doing okay today. There are moments when I can just hum along happily, and then I think of my sweet girl and all she is going through right now, and my heart aches. I need to touch her and feel her and lay my eyes on her, to see what it is that we will be facing together. As we have learned a little more, we have learned that she was indeed having some medical issues when she was first in the satellite care center. Lucky for us, this info was "buried" in her paperwork. She wouldn't have been referred to us, had her full medical history been discovered. God's hands are all over this and this most certainly confirmed for me that she is my daughter and we are meant to be together no matter what.

This should (fingers crossed) be a very mellow adoption related week. We don't expect to hear anything else on sunshine unless her condition changes. But, then the 10th rolls around and we will finally be able to get through court and then we can post her smiling face!! You will be amazed by her beauty!!

Off to enjoy a nice summer evening with my boys. Thanks for reading along!

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