Monday, June 30, 2008

A Monday

Not much to report tonight...we did talk to our ped today and she wasn't overly concerned about sunshine's seizures and said we will just line up a full work up once she gets home. We have asked if this medical development might speed up our travel date, but it doesn't sound like it. I guess from here on out it is all in the hands of the ET govt and their timing. I am still hoping maybe this end of the journey will be the easier part. So far, not so much! I hold my breath every time the phone rings, so afraid that it will be more news about her health...but for now we take it one day at a time and pray we have her home soon!

I started looking at potential flights today. Holy Schmoly, the prices are skyrocketing! Yieks. It is almost going to cost us more to get to DC or JFK to fly out than it will to get to Africa. Ugh. Hoping for a money tree to sprout in the back yard!

Okay, off to send three dirty baseball boys through the shower and one dirty decking man too...the deck is just about later in the week!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

ooooohhhhhhh....I will take a cutting off the money tree if it sprouts!!