Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Packing Mayhem

Holy Moly packing for a child you have never seen and you don't know that much about is pretty crazy. I have, in the last few days, spent far too many hours at Target, wandering the isles trying to figure out bottles, bottle liners, fast flow nipples, pacifiers, formula etc, etc,etc. You would think I was a first time mother....I have raised 3 children...this shouldn't be so hard. I have most of Sunshine's stuff packed and I have most of my stuff mentally pulled together. Not so sure hubby has thought about packing yet...but he does have 3 weeks, so I think he is okay.

The boys are getting excited for school and they all got the teachers that they wanted. E goes back on Monday, the reality of the school year will set in soon! I am ready for everyone to get back into their groove!

The kids have been gone the last two days so I have gotten soo much done. It has been great nesting time. However on that note, they will be back soon and I think I best finish up a few loose ends...stay tuned...the ride is getting more exciting every day!

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