Thursday, August 7, 2008


We got a medical update today. The bad news was Sunshine had tonsilitis with a high fever which sparked 2 more seizures back in July. The good news is she is doing well now, was seen by the neurologist who said she is thriving and the report is she is in great health and very playful.

According to all trends and predictions, we should see that BC today. I am kinda a wreck. That pit in my stomach feeling just won't go away. Life feels as though it is spinning quickly out of control and I am a control freak, so this is not good.

On a happy note, my new nephew is absolutely precious...I am going to focus on his picture all day and hope it takes my mind off this wait. (or atleast I can try!)

1 comment:

jody said...

praying for you. that is the worst feeling.