Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, I finally heard from my specialist this am. No news really, except to say that my travel date hinges on the birth certificate and that they hope to see that soon. I hope her soon and my soon are the same. I just laid out the calendar for August. The first two weeks are really busy so that is good. Then it is going to be slow going for a week or two. Hopefully after that, we will be busy with school and packing.

I don't want to wish away the month of August. It is the last time we will be a family of 5. And yet, I look at the calendar with all of those weeks staring at me and it seems like an eternity. So I am going to try and relish the days we have, try and have some free fun together with my boys. I think a date day with each of them is in the plans.

I have a ton of work to do for the shop. The next few months will be very telling. My lease is up in Jan and I have to see where we are going...profit or sinking ship. So my goal for the week is to get a better grip on where that ship is sailing. That may help my stress level or send me completely over the edge. Time will tell.

So, not in a much better place, but as I type, I am eating home-made cookie dough and it is a great balm!

1 comment:

Mom to many said...

I love cookie dough... that makes everything all better - hope you get to get that little sunshine soon. She looks like she could use some cookie dough, too.