Friday, May 30, 2008

Beautiful Brown Eyed Girl

Oh My Gosh I am totally over the moon in love with this child. She really is perfection. She has eyelashes that go on for miles, and you can see her sweet little soul in her huge brown eyes. She has little angel's wings for lips and is just absolutely beautiful. I have not come down off my high yet. I know the next 12-16 weeks to travel could be a beast of a wait, but truly for me, to have a picture to dream about, and a face to pray for helps so much.

I made the first trip to Target today...I tried very hard to reign myself in. I got a couple of picture frames so I can properly display her referral picture. We can send her a 1 gallon zip lock with a blanket we have slept with, a photo album with our pictures, and we are hoping to send a little tape-recorder with some family songs on it. I found a great little blanket and only one outfit managed to hop into my cart, so that was good. I am anxious to have more time to really scour the isles!

I must get back to work now, but ask that you continue to wrap out little one in your thoughts and prayers. She needs to gain some weight, and know that she is loved.

Thank you one and all for helping us get this far!

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